Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : ^PerformPractReview$
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : serially (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Neumann, FrederickInterpretation Problems of Ornament Symbols and Two Recent Case Histories: Hans Klotz on Bach, Faye Ferguson on Mozart. PerformPractReview 1 1 Spring-Fall 1988 71-106
2. Swinkin, JeffreyKeyboard fingering and interpretation: A comparison of historical and modern approaches. PerformPractReview 12 1 2007 1-26
3. Marshall, Robert L.Bach's Tempo ordinario: A Plaine and Easie Introduction to the System. PerformPractReview 13 1 2008 1-33
4. Fabian, Dorottya; Ornoy, EitanIdentity in violin playing on records: Interpretation profiles in recordings of solo Bach by early twentieth-century violinists. PerformPractReview 14 1 2009 1-40
5. Stevenson, Robert M.Saint-Saëns's View on the Performance of Early Music. PerformPractReview 2 2 Fall 1989 126-132
6. Schwandt, ErichQuestions Concerning the Edition of the 'Goldberg Variations' in the Neue Bach Ausgabe. PerformPractReview 3 1 Spring 1990 58-69
7. Rifkin, JoshuaMore (and Less) on Bach's Orchestra. PerformPractReview 4 1 Spring 1991 5-13
8. Loucks, RichardWas the 'Well-Tempered Clavier' Performable on a Fretted Clavichord? PerformPractReview 5 1 Spring 1992 44-89
9. Bates, Robert; Lindley, Mark; Marshall, KimberleyThe Stanford Eclectic Tunings. PerformPractReview 5 2 Fall 1992 159-197
10. Lindley, MarkSome Thoughts concerning the Effects of Tuning on Selected Musical Works (from Landini to Bach). PerformPractReview 9 1 Spring 1996 114-121

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita